
The Tree

Look, me and baboons simply don’t need to be occupying the same space. Figuratively or literally. If you know me well enough you may have heard me tell real-life stories of my own encounters with them in Cape Town and outside of Johannesburg. I sure as hell don’t want them in my head wreaking havoc. If I search these memories deeply enough I can still hear my NYC burrough, O.G. Jewish Grandma yelling at my sister and I to quit screaming about baboons on the roof from the backseat of the 1972 era Ford. Ah yes. Good times.

Connecting to your personal data points to be your best self

The component to a happy, fulfilled life that was reinforced for me today was that knowing yourself is fundamental to your happiness and well-being, yet we are so often disconnected from ourselves and this powerful sense of knowing.

Trust. Alignment. Connection. Impact.

An interview worth every moment of slowing down and really listening to.

Dimensions: Alignment

First develop your “YOU,” as the decision maker or leader — learn which parts of your self serve you and deal with those parts that don’t.