Every waking moment, Law Enforcement Officers (L.E.O.’s) are wearing their armor.

When they go home from their shifts, they don’t leave the job behind. It is like they switch from driving a marked car to an unmarked car. The expectations of LEO’s is almost super-human 150% of the time. It is rooted in necessary training, experience on the job, and reinforced by the community around them. From a cop’s perspective they are always assessing the situation around them, always at a distance, always the trained responder — even to the people who are the most intimate and the closest to them. They are all knights in shining armor. They are THE protectors, authority, and enforcers.

It is hard not to recognize the extremes of the job. In our information hungry world, we tune in to different media to find out what is happening locally, nationally and globally. We see stories about cops from one extreme to another. Exceptional moments are hyped and what happens in the grind of the every day seldom makes it outside of the reports and logs of a shift. It grinds on. Getting home safely after a shift is paramount. Getting home whole as a person is more challenging when you are off the clock and still always the sentry and protector.

If you are a Law Enforcement Officer, who invites you to stand down in the company of someone else? Who gives you that break?

The job of the Law Enforcement Officer is one of the top most stressful jobs in the world and yet moments of humanity like, “I am stressed out,” could have serious repercussions where so very much is invested.

What happens to the person behind the badge and under all that armor, when it’s time to be in a different role? On the job, how do you remain connected to what your values and your purpose in life is so that your life is one of fulfillment, promise and hope for what YOU want next. How do you step into being what’s positive, hopeful, and possible for yourself and away from resentment, anger and regret?

Personal, professional, and leadership development coaching provides you with insight, training, and tools that help cops keep connection to themselves. Whether you want to become a better at leading a team, improve your relationships with other team members, deepen your ability to recognize what’s happening in conversations you find yourself in, develop stronger personal relationships — being a strong leader means learning first how to be a leader of yourself.

It’s important to remember that Coaching is not therapy. Coaches are not fixers or problem solvers. Check out these posts to learn more, note that these posts talk specifically about coaching and not the LEO program:
The Whole Person
Leader in Title, But Not In Action”
You’ve Kinda Heard About Coaching, What Is It?

Please feel free to reach out with questions.

When we talk with LEOs we find that there’s a lack of connection with personal values, a significant disconnect from life around them, a deep sense of loss and lack of identity when they move away from their law enforcement career path.

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