The Coaching Perspective radio show airs live:
Thursdays from 4pm-5pm on

I have been working with Douglas Gfeller on developing his brand and his website for a little bit now. Through our work, he invited me to step toward a personal edge of my own and be a guest on his radio show, The Coaching Perspective. This was my first time being interviewed on live radio! Exciting! Did I make sense? Did I connect well with Doug and answer his questions? Did I get past the distraction of the studio environment? (Lots of neat equipment and anybody who knows me, knows that I love electronic equipment and blinking lights!) What questions do you have?

Visit The Coaching Perspective and check out other episodes of Doug’s show!

Your website, social media, and online marketing meet the digital pavement in brand coaching

The growing conversation around branding, social media, and your Internet presence can be confusing if you don’t have experience in these different areas. Rather than be the expert in everything — start with clarity around your company’s mission, promise, tone of voice, language and all of the touch points that your potential clients or customers have with you and your business.

Begin with a strong footing and then look at how you are using all of your marketing tools — evaluate if they represent you.

Weaving in professional coaching with brand development tools can strengthen and deepen connection with your brand so that you can answer the questions that begin with, “Is my website, my social media, my marketing investment representing me and my business well — authentically vs. manipulatively. Ask questions about how your are “in relationship” with your brand.

Keep in mind that in the online world it’s not just about the sale, the special, the coupon or the event that you are hosting. It’s more than that. It’s about building connection points, or entrée points with you — for your potential audience. We want to build opportunities for connection that help invite a relationship with who you are and what your company represents.

Do this successfully and you’ll begin to know where you have traction on the digital highway.

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